Once upon time in a small town in Finland, in the 1950s, there was a bank director. At this point of time, there were not many many universities around and it was not usual to have a university degree, he didn't have one either. Even though he didn't have a degree, through schooling and time in wartime military, he had received training in economics. As he was one of the few men around who was good at keeping records, and also as he was precise with details, people asked him if he could write their last wills. So he began to prepare legal documents for those who needed them.

One day the bank director had a son with his wife. As the son was was growing up, the bank director hoped that his son could one day become an educated man, a man with a University degree. During those times, there was a transient stage in Finland's history as many people moved to the cities from the countryside. At this point of time, more universities and academies had been established but it was still a difficult task to get accepted to study in one. The son was determined and studied hard, days after days, months after months. Finally as years and years had passed, he got accepted into Law School. He graduated in 3 years and followed in his fathers footsteps, making a career in a bank. After 20 years of being a lawyer, he finally quit working for other people and started a company with the mission to innovate within the legal industry in Scandinavia.

Then in the middle of 1980s, one day in the end of July, the lawyer had a son. The son was growing up in the 1990's and experienced a different world, one with abundance and different options. Parents have hopes and aspirations regarding their children and the lawyer was the same. He wanted that the son would become a Lawyer. During the childhood, the family traveled a lot and the son became acquainted with many different countries, languages and technology. The son wanted to study in a University, just as his parents had done, but chose business, communication and technology as his main interests. Just a year before graduation, the son met a friend in a startup who was talented in developing new technologies. The son and the friend started working together, building applications and exploring with different technologies..

Fast forward to 2020, Blockbank.fi has roots in solving legal & business problems in 3 generations.

At the moment, Blockbank.fi is working on creating a tech solution to digitalize wills as smart contracts into the blockchain. Our solution does not only fit suit storing digital law contracts but any data blocks.


Hustler: Karl Haarala (Economist)

Hacker - Thaman Chand (Master of Computer Science)

Hipster - We are still looking for you, please check https://blockbank.fi/posts/working-from-home/

Legal Adviser - Hannu Haarala (Master of Laws)